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Static Web Apps CLI and Node.js 18: could not connect to API

· 3 min read
John Reilly
OSS Engineer - TypeScript, Azure, React, Node.js, .NET

I make use of Azure Static Web Apps a lot. I recently upgraded to Node.js 18 and found that the Static Web Apps CLI no longer worked when trying to run locally; the API would not connect when running swa start:

[swa] ❌ Could not connect to "http://localhost:7071/". Is the server up and running?

This post shares a workaround. This works for v1.1.3 or earlier of the Static Web Apps CLI. If you're using v1.1.4 or later, you should not need this workaround. But in that case you might find this post helpful on improving performance with 1.1.4 or later.

title image reading "Static Web Apps CLI and Node.js 18: could not connect to API" with the Static Web Apps CLI and Node.js logos

With Node.js 17 onwards there were changes in the behaviour of Node.js concerning DNS names. Although it's not obvious, the changes happened here and the result of this was that IPv6 became the default DNS instead of IPv4. You can read more about this on this GitHub issue.

How this affects the Static Web Apps CLI

My own setup is a Vite front end and a Function App back end. I have a package.json in the folder of the front end app with the following scripts:

"dev": "vite",
"start": "swa start http://localhost:5173 --run \"npm run dev\" --api-location ../FunctionApp"

I could see both front end and back end starting up in the console, but inevitably the SWA CLI would report:

[swa] ❌ Could not connect to "http://localhost:7071/". Is the server up and running?

I experienced this when moving from Node.js 16 to Node.js 18. A dependency of the Static Web Apps CLI; the wait-on library which waits for endpoints to become available, was impacted by the new behavior. With Node.js 18 this is broken.

A fix to the overall issue was released in v1.1.4 of the Static Web Apps CLI. Unfortunately, it caused performance issues with the proxy server. This post shows you how to work around this issue. If you'd like to work around the issue with v1.1.3 or earlier, read on.

The workaround for v1.1.3 or earlier

Various workarounds are suggested in this GitHub issue. I shared my own there, and I'm sharing it here too. (Mostly for me, I'll lay money I need this again and again.)

In the root of my project I installed concurrently:

npm i concurrently

Then, again in the root of my project I added the following scripts:

"debug": "concurrently -n \"staticwebapp,functionapp\" -c \"bgBlue.bold,bgMagenta.bold\" \"npm run debug:staticwebapp\" \"npm run debug:functionapp\"",
"debug:staticwebapp": "cd src/StaticWebApp && npm run debug",
"debug:functionapp": "cd src/FunctionApp && func start",

What's happening here is that I'm running the Static Web Apps CLI and the Function App CLI in separate processes, and running them concurrently when we run npm run debug. You'll note that the debug:staticwebapp script is running another debug script with the Static Web Apps CLI in the src/StaticWebApp folder:

"debug": "swa start http://localhost:5173 --run \"npm run dev\" --api-location",

The --api-location flag is pointing to the endpoint the Function App is surfaced at. This is the key to the workaround.


This takes us back to having a setup that will work with Node.js 18. Hopefully this is only needed for a short while, but it's good to have a workaround in the meantime.